The Spa Area
Panorama Sauna • Hamam • Whirlpool
Wellness Massages
The masseur (m/f/d) offers the service under their own name and invoicing and is neither a subcontractor nor an employee of the Sauna Club Luxor.
Comprehensive, qualified massage offerings, such as:
Spinal and joint therapy according to Dorn
Spinal massage according to Breuß
Anti-aging facial massage
Classic Swedish body massage
Connective tissue massage
Lymphatic drainage
Foot or hand reflex zone massage
as well as
Full-body wellness massage and
Fitness or regeneration massage
The Finnish Sauna

The heat in the sauna makes your heart beat faster and stronger. The small, extensively branched blood vessels (arterioles) in the body widen and then contract again during cooling. This training effect makes the small vessels more flexible. In our Panorama Sauna, you can look into the club room, and your heart will beat even faster.
Hamam • turkish bath

Hamam, the Arabic word for bath, represents a traditional Oriental combination of cleansing, exfoliation, and soothing care with essential oils. At the end, tension in all muscles is released, and one feels rejuvenated.
Our specially trained Hamam master invites you to the "Göbek" after showering, the heart of the Hamam. There, he performs the traditional Hamam cleansing with alternating hot and lukewarm, gentle and vigorous water flows. This alone is a special art that requires specific training.
The close adherence to traditional treatment methods makes our Hamam in Stuttgart something special. Next, a body cleansing with the "Kese" takes place, a washcloth made of goat hair or wild silk, which gently but thoroughly removes all impurities, excess skin flakes, and everyday burdens from the skin. At the same time, the blood circulation of the skin is stimulated.
Steam Bath

A steam bath offers many healthy effects. Due to the high humidity, the body does not sweat as intensely as in a dry sauna. The steam bath strengthens your immune system, promotes blood circulation, and relaxes your muscles while detoxifying your body.
Jacuzzi • Whirlpool